We’re very excited to share that Kevin has achieved a milestone in energy-efficient design—getting certified as a Phius Certified Consultant (CPHC). If you’re unfamiliar with Phius, have a look at their website; they are “a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization committed to decarbonizing the built environment by making high-performance passive building the mainstream market standard”. Every Phius certified building is ensured to meet the highest standards of energy-efficient design, as well as providing superior indoor air quality and comfort. As a practice, Longhouse Architects is committed to designing site-specific, environmentally-conscious buildings. Having a Phius Certified Consultant in-house is a testament to our belief in efficient design as best practice. Have a look below at Kevin’s design exam submission where he modified an existing Longhouse project (Valley View House) to meet the strict criteria of the Phius program. We will continue to be advocates for sustainable strategies in all our projects and look forward to employing Passive House strategies in our upcoming projects.